vii. Background to the study
Various blends of cement utilized in construction are portrayed by their physical
properties. Some key parameters control the nature and quality of cement. The physical
properties of good cement are based on; Fineness of cement, Soundness, Consistency,
Strength, Setting time, Heat of hydration, Loss of ignition, Bulk density, Specific gravity
(Relative density). In addition, cement has a very high cost in many developing
countries like Nigeria and its usage cannot be sustained. The need for moderate
structure materials in giving satisfactory lodging to people of the world has turned into
the real worry of researchers.The expense of traditional structure materials keep on
expanding as most of the populace keeps on falling beneath the destitution line. This
consequently requires the look for elective neighborhood materials as aggregate or
fractional swap for concrete (Adesanya and Raheem, 2009; Akinwumi and Aidomojie,
2015; Raheem &Adedokun 2017). The research has led to the discovery of the
potentials of using industrial by-products and agricultural wastes as replacement of
some cement materials.Agricultural and industrial wastes possess pozzolanic properties
used in cement replacement.The application of agro and industrial wastes in the
production of cement is an environmentally friendly method of disposal of large
amounts of substances that would have constituted pollution to land, water and air.
The agricultural and industrial wastes that possessed pozzolanic characteristics and
which had been studied and applied as partial replacements for cement are Rice husk
ash [6-9], Corn cob ash [4, 10-12], Waste burnt clay [13-14], Hair fibre [15] and Saw
dust ash [16-17]. The saw dust ash (SDA) which has been proven to be a pozzolanic
material was used as a partial substitution for OPC in this study. Many researchers have
argued that concrete is one of the major materials used for radiation protection in
facilities. The radiation protection feature of concrete depends on its components.
Cement production is one of the important sources of carbon dioxide emission to the
atmosphere. CO2,which is a greenhouse gas, contributes about 65% of global warming
(Vijayakumar, 2013; Raheem &Adedokun 2017). The high energy demand as well as
the emission of carbon dioxide, which caused global warming and depletion of
limestone deposits are the major challenges associated with cement production.
In the recent years, there is great interest in replacing a long time used materials
in concrete structure by new materials to produce cheaper, harder and durable
concrete.Abdelrahman& El-Awney (2015).The raw materials for cement production are
limestone (calcium), sand or clay (silicon), bauxite (aluminum) and iron ore, and may
include shells, chalk, marl, shale, clay, blast furnace slag, slate. Chemical analysis of
cement raw materials provides insight into the chemical properties of cement.
Corn, also known as maize, is one of the most successful cereal grasses of all
time. It has been under human cultivation for over 10,000 years and has spread itself
into every niche of commercial agriculture (Adesanya, & Raheem (2009). Maize crop
started as a subsistence crop in Nigeria and has gradually risen to a commercial crop on
which many agro-based industries depend on as raw materials (Iken, and Amusa,
2014).Corn stalk is a waste product obtained from maize plant, which is the major
cereal crop produced in sub-Saharan Africa.Therefore, this research investigated the
use of Corn stalk as a partial replacement for ordinary Portland cement in the
production of concrete cubes. It includes the determination of the oxide,composition of
the CSA, evaluation of the compressive strength, density, water absorption,crushing
strength of the concrete and the abrasive resistance of the concrete cubes.
viii. Problem statement
A major challenge in the constructions in the world today is access to good and
quality cements with right proportions of its physical properties.The high price of good
cement with balance property ratio has made it difficult for people to acquire it, hereby
leading to usage of poor quality cement which later affect the construction.This study
examined the physical properties of ordinary cements alongside blended cornstalk ash
and how it improved the physical properties without unnecessary increase in the cost
for effective and standard construction.
ix. Aim of the study
The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of corn stalk blended
cement as a partial replacement for ordinary portland cement.
x. Objectives of the study
The main aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of corn stalk
blended cement as a partial replacement for ordinary portland cement while the
objectives of the study are:
• To ascertain the characterization of corn stalk ash.
• To determine of the effects of corn stalk ash on physical and mechanical
properties of blended cement mortar.
xi. Justification
There were several motivations for this study. Although few studies have
investigated on things related to the properties of cornstalk ash and other supposed
waste of agricultural materials. To the best of my knowledge, there was no definite
assurance of complete adequate physical properties in ordinary cement until
now.Additionally, analyzing a good access and usage for construction will provide better
constructions as well as reducing the number of collapse building in the world.Addition
of blended corn stalk ash has further enhanced the physical properties generating a
better result for construction at a lower price. In an attempt to reuse and convert agro
wastes into useful materials for the construction industry, several research had been
carried out on the application of corn stalk ash (CSA) as partial replacement for ordinary
Portland cement. The study investigated the characteristics of corn stalk ash blended
cement and ascertain its suitability as a pozzolanic material.
xii. Scope
This study centers on the characteristics of corn stalk ash blended cement. Base
on the limitation of the study, this research investigated the use of Corn stalk as a
partial replacement for ordinary Portland cement in the production of concrete cubes. It
includes the determination of the oxide, composition of the CSA, evaluation of the
compressive strength, density, water absorption, crushing strength of the concrete and
the abrasive resistance of the concrete cubes.