



This research focuses on Manpower Planning and Development as an
effective fool for Achieving Original Goals, using star paper Mill Ltd Aba as
the case study. The problems of this study are numerous, to which one is the
absence of administrative control in achieving the overall approved
programs. The objective of this study is to map out enough manpower
planning time and skills that will help manager gather information that will
help them after ascertaining the organization manpower planning resources.
The findings of this study showed that adequate finance is needed mauled
for field work, and also that previous manpower plan serves as a good basis
in determining new manpower plan. Therefore, it is discovered through the
data analysis which was questionnaire that manpower planning has an effect
in achieving organizational goals and objectives. The descriptive approach
of research design which was used enabled the researcher to gather analysis
and interpret the set of data. The research made use of interview, observation
and questionnaire as her instrument for data collection. Recommendations,
conclusion and finding of this project state that management should be using
their previous manpower plan as a point of contact while prepping for a new
plan in order to avoid mistakes.


Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi

Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Objective of the Study 5
Research Questions 6
Research Hypothesis 6
Significance of the Study 7
Scope of the study 8
Limitations of the study 8
Definition of Terms 9

Literature Review 11
Theoretical Review 11
Objective of manpower planning and Development 19
Types of Manpower Planning Development 22

Objective of an Organization 23
Effect of Manpower Planning and Development 23
Environmental Factors that Influence Manpower
Planning and Development in Nigeria 24
Summary of Literature Reduced – – – – – – –

CHAPTER THREE – – – – – – – –
Research Methodology- – – – – – – –
Research Design – – – – – – – –
Area of Study – – – – – – – – –
Population of the Study – – – – – – –
Sampling and Sampling Techniques – – – – –
Instrument of Data Collection – – – – – –
Decision Rule of Chi-Square – – – – – –

CHAPTER FOUR – – – – – – – –
Presentation and Analysis of Data – – – – – –
Introduction – – – – – – – – –
Testing of Hypothesis – – – – – – –
Discussion of the Findings – – – – – – –
Summary, conclusion and Recommendation – – – –
Discussion of the Findings – – – – – – –
Recommendation – – – – – – – –
Limitations – – – – – – – – –
Suggestion for Further Study – – – – – –
Bibliography – – – – – – – – –

Appendix – – – – – – – – –
Questionnaire – – – – – – – –


1. Sex Distribution of Respondents
2. Educational Qualification of Respondents
3. Number of Years in Services of Respondents
4. Marital Status of Respondents
5. Department of Respondents
6. How Manpower Planning Operations are done.
7. How Workplace is Rated Generally.
8. Is Adequate time Frame needed in Manpower Planning.
9. How Previous Manpower Planning Serve is good Basis in
Determining new Manpower Plan.
10. How Job Satisfaction is Rated
11. How Manpower Planning and Development Affect the Performance
of the Organization.
12. How Manpower Planning aid Faster Attainment of Goals.


Manpower planning and development is the first and the
most important function of management. The essence of manpower planning
and development involves a critical analysis of the supply, demand, surplus,
shortage and utilization of human resources. It is important to note that
manpower planning is often taken as the most important resources of an
organization because through it, other resources (material and financial) are
harnessed to meet the need of man.
The economic development of a country depends on the quality and
quantity of its resources, the state of technology and efficient deployment of
resources in both production and consumption process.
Most organizations today is facing problems because they did not plan
for their workforce neither do they have any systematic human resources
management programs that consider organizational goals.
Planning is the first and most important function of management. The
essence is to prepare for and predict future events. Planning goes beyond
attempting to attain stated organizational objectives. It involves the

development of strategy and procedures required for effective realization of
the entire plan.

One of the major problems confronting management in any
organization is the most effective way of matching people with jobs. The
process by which management attempt to provide for the human resources or
manpower to accomplish its task is called “manpower planning”.
The concept of manpower planning has been given different definition
by different authors. Malthus and Jackson (1992) see manpower planning as
the process of analyzing and identifying the need for the availability of
human resources so that the organization can meet its human resources

Griffin (1997) sees human resources planning as a plan which involves
accessing trends, forecasting the supply, demand for labour and the
development of appropriate strategy for addressing any differences.
Ehegbunna (1992), sees manpower planning as having the right
person in the right number, in the right place and at the right time.
Olutola (1986), when manpower planning is mentioned, it generally
refers to the projection of future requirement for a given number of people
with specific skill to meet the demand of various sector of the economy.

Ogunniyi (1992), in handling manpower planning said that it is a
concept that involves critical analysis of supply, demand, surplus, shortage,
wastage, and utilization of human resources.
Manpower planning is necessary in all organization because it is
required for recruitment. Without it, it would be difficult to know the
number of personnel’s required for recruitment.
Manpower planning and development helps measurement to
(a) Number of employees
(b) The level of experience each must possess
(c) Their salary scale
(d) The best way to utilize them in an activity which practice increase
Star Paper Mill Ltd was incorporated as a paper connoting company
in 1997. Now, the company operates thru (3) factories which includes
stationary plant at Umungasi (Aba); the recycling and conversion plant at
Owerrinta and the Ibadan conversion plant. It also has liaison offices in
Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduna, Kano, Suleja and Onitsha.
The premier plant located at Aba, produces school exercise books of
different types and a wide range of stationary. It has an installed capacity of

25,000 metric tones per annum which translates into 38 million envelops of
various sizes and colours. Other products include typing sheets, duplication
papers and fullscap files. The cement percentage utilization is about 75
The second factory was commissioned in 1984 as a waste paper
recycling plant, with an installed capacity of 10 metric tones of tissues paper
in jumbo reels per day. By 1992 a new paper machine was installed with the
capacity of 15 metric tones of tissues paper per day, presently, the Owerrinta
plant has a total capacity of 60 metric tones per day. This paper utilizes
waste paper and paper off cuts as its main sources of raw materials and that
constitutes 90% both in volume and in naira value of the plant requirement
locally sourced. In this plant also exists a toilet rolls production line which
utilizes the jumbo reels as inputs and produces 140, 000,000 units of toilet
rolls, paper napkins per year. This in effect positions the company as the
largest producer of toilet rolls and tissue products in the country, with
marketing outlets throughout the entire country. This plant just
commissioned a new product line sanitary towel for ladies with the brand
name of “every woman” becomes a new addition to the stable.