Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Statement of research problem
1.2 Objective of the study
1.3 Limitation of the study.
1.4 Research methodology
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Definition of the terms.
1.7 Plan of study
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Lending as a function of money deposit bank
2.2 Lending procedure in union bank.
2.3 Classification of account is union bank.
2.4 Year 2011 union bank analysis of loan and advance by
2.5 Prudential guideliness.
2.6 Security for bank lending
2.7 Lending and credit policies money deposit bank
2.8 Procedure for bank lending
3.0 Research methodology
3.1 Source of data
3.2 Population of size of the study
3.3 Limitation of methodology
4.0 Data presentation, data analysis and interpetation of
4.1 Data presentation
4.2 Data analysis.
4.3 Interpretation of resuls.
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
The Banking Sector is part of the Nigerian Financial
system refers to the totally of the regulatory and participating
institutions, including financial markets and instruments
involved in the process of financial intimidation. Including
financial markets and instruments involved in the process of
financial intemidatin. The banking industry in Nigeria is the
Bedrock of the economy. The banks and other financial
institution Act no. 25 of 1991, define “Bank” as one licensed
under the act and banking business as the business of nearing
deposits on current saving or other similar Account and paying
or collecting cheque (Section 62 BOFIA)
From these definition, banks act only as intermediation
agents by mobilizing financial resources from the surplus unit in
an economy and channeling the same to the deficit unit for
economic development. The banking institution do not own
those resources, but rather, in accordance with the agency
hypothesis. These institution act the risk manage of the funds.
With regard to the requirement for protection of the right and
interest of their innumerable depositors, establishment for
economic development, bank are expected to ethnically pursue
the integrity, impartiality, reliability, transparency and social
responsibility (cause 1999, Dogarawa 2004)
The lending process is relatively straight forward service
of activities involving two principal parties whose association
ranges from the initial loan request of the successful or
unsuccessful repayment of the Loan. Most students of banking
and accounting would agree that process is an independent but
the exact dependencies are rarely articulated in a rigorous
manner. One of the purpose of this is to investigate association
between at least two important aspect of the lending process
namely; The credit evaluation stage and the sequence of
Through storage and the sequence of evens deposit
banking interspread other parts of the world and with time they
became organized those Gold Smiths issued transferable
receipt on the Security of Gold deposited by customer and
hence improve the way for the development of current account
bill discounting, and loan facilities.
The gold smith realized that only small qualities of the
deposited gold and silver were actually demanded for. This led
them into lending to other needy customers. In the
contemporary operation at banking sector, small, medium large
scale industries were developed and perhaps controlled by
banking through lending.
Banks play a significant role in mobilizing savings to fuel
investment and growth. Apart from their role in financial
intermediation, banks have been shown to contribute to general
economic stability. This integral link has been most evident in
the Nigerian Financial crisis where the economy was adversely
affected when banks were left weak and vulnerable to external
shocks. At the centre of Nigeria’s economy has been an
evolving banking system. That has been in existence prior to
country/s independence from great Britain in October 1960,
Nwankwo (1975) holds that formal banking began in Nigeria
in 1982.